
solcentrix - IT Solutions for the mobile workplace

solcentrix - IT Solutions for the mobile workplace

At solcentrix, we offer innovative IT services designed to optimize the modern workplace. With over 20 years of expertise, we provide solutions for Device-as-a-Service, Connectivity, IT Governance, and Security. With ...
SanData – Solution is everything.

SanData – Solution is everything.

SanData combines IT expertise with innovative solutions to noticeably enhance users' daily work experience. Whether it's consulting, analysis, planning, implementation, maintenance, or training, as one of the most renowned IT ...
NOBIX - Linking technology to people

NOBIX - Linking technology to people

The NOBIX Group is a medium-sized system house group, established in 2022, specializing in office infrastructure, document management systems, and IT services. NOBIX is your reliable partner for the digitalization ...
HMKOM - Your Mobile Device Expert

HMKOM - Your Mobile Device Expert

HMKOM – Kommunikationstechnik is a business division of Hermann Müller Elektrogroßhandel GmbH and offers you, as commercial customers, a wide range of offers, products, services, and individual solutions related to ...
Bechtle – Your strong IT partner. Today and tomorrow.

Bechtle – Your strong IT partner. Today and tomorrow.

Bechtle is one of the most successful IT service providers in Europe and has stood for IT expertise, partnership, and forward-thinking for 41 years. Together with their customers, they aim ...
techcentive - The home for tomorrow's IT

techcentive - The home for tomorrow's IT

With more than 15 years of industry experience and strong partnerships, techcentive develops concepts that fit you perfectly. They open up new, closed channels for manufacturers that they cannot reach ...
Enthus GmbH - Short for enthusiasm. Top form for IT.

Enthus GmbH - Short for enthusiasm. Top form for IT.

Over 500 enthusiasts at 17 locations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with an annual turnover of 170 million euros (2022) are passionate #successmakers for IT and digitalization. With innovative IT ...
coretress - Your IT partner for a secure digital future

coretress - Your IT partner for a secure digital future

Our company name "coretress" is a neologism made up of "core" for the important/central and "fortress" as a metaphor for the provision, protection and backup of important and central IT ...
medienREIFE - your digitization partner with Apple solutions

medienREIFE - your digitization partner with Apple solutions

We at Medienreife love Apple, especially when it makes you and your business successful.With Medienreife you have found your full-service partner for the use of Apple hardware and software in ...
Nösse - Your IT caregiver

Nösse - Your IT caregiver

We are large enough to offer complete IT from a single source and small enough to be able to respond flexibly to your individual needs.With four business units - IT ...
o2 Business Flex Device - Rent instead of buy.

o2 Business Flex Device - Rent instead of buy.

Discover O2 Business Flex Device in partnership with EconocomAre you tired of the hassle of purchasing and maintaining hardware for your business? O2 Business Flex Device offers a Device-as-a-Service model, ...
Brodos AG - Mobile Communications Provider

Brodos AG - Mobile Communications Provider

Germany's Full-Service Mobile Communications Provider with over 2 Million Smartphones Delivered AnnuallyWe make mobile communication simple and successful by combining smartphones, tablets, and accessories with our services and solutions.Device as ...


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Als Unternehmen: Lade deine aktuellen Lieferanten ein

Möchtest du dein Beschaffungsverfahren vereinfachen, die Transparenz erhöhen und Kosten senken, während du deinen aktuellen Serviceanbieter beibehältst?

Lade deinen aktuellen Serviceanbieter zu Equipme ein. Dadurch kannst du einen zentralisierten und standardisierten Prozess für die Verwaltung von Serviceangeboten, Anfragen und Lieferungen genießen. Die Plattform bietet eine transparente und effiziente Lösung zur Verfolgung des Servicelebenszyklus, zur Kostenoffenlegung und Berichterstattung, wodurch der Verwaltungsaufwand reduziert wird. Steigere dein Beschaffungsverfahren und verbessere das Wertversprechen für deine Organisation, indem du deinen aktuellen Anbieter heute zu einer globalen Serviceplattform einlädst!

Als Service-Provider: Registriere dich jetzt

Möchtest du dein Geschäft erweitern und mehr Kunden erreichen, die deine Dienstleistungen benötigen?

Integriere dein Service-Portfolio in Equipme und profitiere von einer gesteigerten Sichtbarkeit, verbesserte Service-Qualität und reduzierten Kosten. Durch die Präsentation deiner Fähigkeiten auf der Plattform kannst du eine breitere Kundenbasis erreichen und deine Service-Lieferprozesse optimieren, um die Effizienz zu steigern und administrative Overheads zu reduzieren. Verpasse nicht die Chance, deine Marktpräsenz zu erweitern und dein Geschäft auf ein neues Niveau zu bringen mit einer globalen Service-Lieferplattform.

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